Ward Method


Pipe Organ Resources


Catholic Music


"The Treasure Trove Series"


Unit 1 - The Church's Song

Covenant Worship and Jewish Traditions

Psalms of David

Magnificat - Music in the Life of Christ

The Early Church and Chant

St. Hildegard von Bingen

Introduction of the Organ and Instruments

Cathedral Choir Schools and Innovations

Bull of Pope John XXII, 1324-1325 at Avignon

Unit 2 -  Council of Trent and Counter Reformation

The Music of the Tridentine Mass



Jesuit Music - The Missions, Colleges, Teachers and Centers of Culture

Instrumental Developments - The Organ and other instruments for Divine Worship

Oratorio and Theatre

Unit 3 - The Baroque

Courtly Dance

Keyboard Music

Concertato - Continuo

Catholic Germany

French Classical

Colorful Italians and Spaniards

Unit 4 - Viennese Classical Mass

The Orchestra at Mass - "Fullness of Joy in Your Presence" 



Haydn and Handel


Unit 5 -  Romanticism, Industrialism and Catholic Devotion- The 19th-20th Centuries

The Great Paris Conservatory

Emotion and Theatre in the Liturgy

The Cecilian Movement

Pope St. Pius X and the Liturgical Renewal

American Catholic Schools and The Ward Method

The Monks of Solesmes

Olivier Messiaen, Countering Modernity

Unit 6 - Treasure of Inestimable Value

Recent Church Documents on Music

Vatican II and the Sung Mass

Principle and Foundation of Beauty in the Missionary Liturgy

Criteria for Music in Contemporary Catholic Worship


Goodness of Form
