"Pan Divino Gracioso", Francisco Guerrero

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Divine bread of grace, most holy food,
giving substance to my soul:
blessed be the day,
the moment and hour
for Christ's presence in these two types;
for should the soul be turned hard,
here it softens so sweetly.

The bread you are looking at, my soul,
is God, who in you distributes grace and life,
And, since such food improves you,
Do not hesitate to eat it from now on,
So that, although you are hard,
Here you will soften yourself with such sweetness.

Pan divino y gracioso, sacrosanto
manjar que das sustento al alma mía;
dichoso fué aquel día,
punto y hora
que en tales dos especies Cristo mora;
que si el alma está dura
aquí se ablandará con tal dulzura.

El pan que estás mirando, alma mía,
es Dios que en tí reparte gracia y vida,
y, pues que tal comida te mejora,
no dudes de comerla desde agora,
que, aunque estuvieres dura,
aquí te ablandarás con tal dulzura.